Elizabethtown Tech Puts Himself in Every Customers’ Pair of Shoes
At Comcast, we believe every employee is responsible for ensuring our customers have a great experience with us. From time to time, we’d like to introduce you to some of our local Kentucky colleagues who work hard on our customers’ behalf.
Meet Steve Middeler, of E-Town:
1. How long have you worked with Comcast?
I have been a technician for Comcast for 3 ½ years. Altogether, I’ve worked in the cable industry for 20 years.
2. What do you do in your role as a technician?
I install and service all of the products we offer for residential and business customers.
3. What is the most memorable story of a time you helped solve a customer’s concern?
I recently went to an elderly customer’s home who was having trouble watching their TV shows. Unfortunately, their TV was broken and they had to purchase a new one. I stopped by a couple days later to make sure everything was up and running. They had purchased a new TV, but they were having trouble hooking up the cable to it. I was able to get everything up and running in a few minutes. They were so happy, they had tears in their eyes and were thanking me for fixing it.
4. What would you say is the most gratifying/best part of your job?
The best part of my job is being able to fix a problem someone is having – no matter how small it may seem. To me, it may just be another house I go to, another TV I troubleshoot, or another tablet that needs to connect to the internet. To the customer, it is their home, their TV, or their tablet that isn’t working. For some people, this is their only way to communicate with others or their only way to know what is going on around them. I strive to see all customers’ needs and issues from their perspective and make every person feel like they’re my top priority.
5. What is the most valuable lesson you have taken away from representing Comcast and working so closely with our customers?
Word travels fast and reputations are at stake – not only Comcast’s reputation, but mine as a professional technician as well. That’s why I take a lot of pride in my work and would never leave someone’s home knowing he or she is dissatisfied.